World Wheel Newsletter 2011
Dear World Family,
I have been urged by dreams and disasters on our beautiful planet to focus my World Wheel work in the United States for a period of time. The States have created such havoc in the lives of people in so many countries and disregarded the health of our planet. I feel the greatest way to help the earth and the cultures of our world family is to increase the work here as the center of the World Wheel.
I now have a place in downtown Santa Fe, New Mexico where I have been taking care of my 99 year old father, and have made a commitment to a local World Wheel Project. There, I hold private classes on painting, sculpture, and meditation with an emphasis on earth wisdom and connection as a global family. Retreats on the land in Utah will continue for the Spring and Fall.
Also, a weekly study group will begin in June on “Vivekananda’s Vedanta for the West." Some of you may know that I was a nun at the Vedanta Society in Southern California for ten years from the age of 14, leaving the convent at the age of 25. My father, known as Swami Amohananda, entered the monastery at the same time and lived there as one of the senior Swamis. He passed away in my care this year on April 3rd - just a month before his 100th birthday.
Although I am not officially connected to the Vedanta order now, I have a strong desire, along with other Vedantins, to find a contemporary and integral voice for this universal tradition that we have been so blessed and privileged to integrate into our own lives. Our classes will explore Vivekananda’s work to share with all who may have a desire to learn about this tradition. Periodically we will have World Wheel events in Santa Fe with guests from the global projects and talks by our local Native Pueblo visionaries.
I am happy that I will be working with Vickie Downey from the Tesuque Pueblo - bordering Santa Fe - on a project of Native Healing inspired by Jake Tekaronianeken Swamp, who passed away last year. He was the respected and honored Mohawk Iroquois leader who planted thousands of trees for peace.
"REKINDLING THE FIRES: Tekaroniaken Jake Swamp passed on to the spirit world on October 2010. He left us behind to fulfill the instructions of our ancestors. In honoring his dream we are planning to gather Indigenous leaders from Abya Yala for the year 2012. This gathering will take place on the banks of the Mississippi River so people can receive condolence, strength, and inner peace, and reaffirm their right to walk the same way as their ancestors once did. We now know that these prayers will bring hope, love, and life back to our communities. We will receive words of consolation and direction so we may once again follow the path of our ancestors."
On May 15th, a Sunday at 4 pm, to honor my father's 100th birthday, the World Wheel will be holding an event to support Jake Swamp's vision. I will have on display and for sale my most recent sculptures and paintings, a group of work called "Sacred Earth". Twenty five percent of the sales will go to the late Jake Swamp’s visionary project named "Rekindling the Fires" and the rest will go toward the global projects of the World Wheel. Vickie Downey, from the Pueblo will speak about the project and I will show my 27 minute film, "The World Wheel Journeys". The address is 428 Camino Alire, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501, the second house from the corner of Agua Fria and Camino Alire. My new telephone number is 202 492 4899, or you can skype me directly at vijali.
The newsletter about the World Wheel pilgrimage to Australia is being sent out again because my hard-drive crashed and I lost all your responses, which I treasure. We are continuing to take donations to support the Aborigines' struggle to stop the Australian government from making their sacred lands a nuclear waste dump. Thank you!
I encourage you from now to the end of May to buy the artwork, books, CDs, DVDs, and prints online at my website: During this time twenty five percent will be given to the "Rekindling the Fires" project. Of course at anytime your purchases will help with the continuation of the World Wheel Projects and if you wish to specify which project to contribute to, please do so.
I send heartfelt love to each one of you and blessings for this coming year for all of us to walk in peace and clarity,
In Peace and Love,
Vijali Hamilton