Saturday, September 29, 2012

Swami Brahmanishthananda (Harekrishna Maharaj)

The poor, poor child is finally out of its misery. No, perhaps I should take it back. Was he feeling so miserable or was he fighting it out manfully?

My brother monk, Harekrishna Maharaj, passed away last night. His body was cremated today afternoon. His eyes were half awake. Was he meditating when Death finally came calling? He was in Advaita Ashrama in Calcutta, in Karimganj, in Baranagore and in Garbeta where adversity befell him. He slipped on a rainy wet verandah He had a major surgery on his backbone. Neurolyptic Parkinsonism set in. He suddenly arrived, or rather, was brought, to the room next to me. Some nights I found him soaked in his urine and unable to move. I tried to be of some help. On rare occasions, when I met him later, he would often ask me to put him up in sitting position, from the lying position he was put in by his attendants. Soon the notice, ‘No Pranams’ was put on his door. Maybe it was a wise thing to do, but I don’t know how it helped improve his spirits which was always surging in spite of being struck down to immobility by a fell disease. I would like to believe that everything humanly possible was done for him. Mother’s Grace be on all those who cared for him. Swami Yogavratananda wanted to have Ayurveda treatment done for him at the beginning itself. Somehow it could not be done. Mother Durga, they say, is a willful woman. She will have her goats in so many ways, cut at the neck or yanked by the tail.
Die Game.
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Die Game :

Swami Brahmanishthananda (Harekrishna) passed away on 28 September at 9 pm at Seva Pratishthan, Kolkata. He was 50 and had been suffering from Parkinsonism for a few years. He was initiated by Swami Bhuteshananda ji Maharaj. He joined the Ramakrishna Mission in 1985 at Balaram Mandir and had Sannyasa from Swami Bhuteshananda ji in 1995. He also served at Advaita Ashrama (Calcutta), Karimganj, Kamarpukur, Garbeta and Baranagar (Mission) centres. He had been staying at Belur Math for the last four years. He was a friendly monk.