Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tribute to my brother Hemanta Maharaj (Swami Tattwajnanananda)

Dear Hemanta Maharaj,
You’ve now become senior to me in Ramakrishna Loka, so I can unreservedly convey my pranams to you. I suppose you get to meet Our Ishta and our Mother on what is like day to day basis here. Warn them for me that I have some questions to ask them.
To begin with, what was the great hurry for Sri Ramakrishna to put your mind to sleep on His birth night this year, the night of 17th Feb.? Or was it the idea of your Guru Swami Bhashyananda ji to present his proud disciple to Him on His Birthday morning? We people here on earth, fiddled with your barely-conscious body, trying our hardest best. Did you, in your sudden moment of Joy, at finding yourself in your Ishtaloka, forget to switch off all your life-lights? Some fourteen days back you or whose-so-ever duty it is, remembered the pending task. Well, tell that person, to do his business properly. It seems this particular dept. in Ramakrishna Loka is a little slack these days.
It looked like you were sleeping peacefully when I last saw you. It felt like how a harried mother might have felt when she sees her mischiefs-full child taking a good nap. You were a very good boy of course, but could you not have tempered your conversations a bit down? Could you not have made yourself a little more available for all of us? Of course you did a lot for your students to do well in their professional lives and gain expertise and mental strength. They should all, with us, be blessing you now.
Yours affectionately,


See also :