Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Homage to Swami Rudratmananda ji and Swami Parashivananda ji

 Lord, the High and Mighty, if He be ..

Thanks to http://bustedhalo.com/blogs/the-book-of-job
‘Naked I came out of my Mother’s Womb, Naked shall I return thereto; the Lord gave, He taketh away’ – to this effect said a good man when he was visited with hard trials. He passed the first test like a breeze. When harder tests came he had tougher time. He went into long labored ravings and they say, he finally passed all the tests and the Lord was pleased.
Now, I have an issue with this Lord. In-fact I have lots of issues with Him. Who is He to Lord over me? Is He at all doing it? I could sense His self-appointed defenders coming upon me like a cascading ton of bricks questioning my credentials to even trying to look upon the Lord. Okay, I am a puny fellow, why not the Lord High and Mighty be more forthcoming with reasons for His actions? Why is He remaining so aloof like some Supreme Authority without   an iota of accountability? If He is beyond any accounting as regards me, but they somehow are okay with Him, His defenders then better keep Him to themselves.

I can somehow understand His action, or alleged action with regard to Badal Maharaj, Swami Rudratmananda. He joined the Ramakrishna Mission in 1953, and got his gerua robes from Swami Madhavananda in 1963, Swami Vivekananda’s Birth Centenary Year. He thus lived as a monk for fifty years. He had served in Rangoon where Ramakrishna Mission ran one of the best hospitals in the country and even now the hall which the Mission had then, is called Ramakrishna Mission Hall. Some years back a Myanmar Government Functionary arranged some event there. He worked competently and was not afraid to speak up when he felt it necessary. He retired when he decided enough was enough. He brushed up his Hindi and did a decent job of it when he had to give talks in Hindi during this phase of life. He lived up to be 81. I don’t know if he was entirely pleased with his life, but most were generally happy with the way he lived. So we are reconciled to it when he died in Banares without too much suffering.

But Why did Thou chose to gift brain cancer to our Jyoti Maharaj (Devajyoti, Swami Parashivananda),  when he was at the height of his joyful and enthusiastic life of Services ? You teased him as does a cat with a poor mouse,  finally abandoning when the mouse goes limp. Oh, yes, we know he died in Banares, that he himself chose the place of his exit, that he was reconciled, and it might be that, you, tricky as you are, have now conned them both into accepting that you were showering your grace on them, but you are in for a fight as regards me. No too much Lording over me. You may call me a worm, no, I can’t imagine your Highness to come so low, your self-appointed defenders are rather more likely to call me that, even if I am worm, I am going to twitch and turn with all my might, puny it be.

Your Remote Highness, my suspected Creator-Sustainer, if you are such, pour some power into me, so that we can have an interesting Die Game.

Thanks to http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00routesdata/1800_1899/hinduism/burningghats/burningghats.html

Official Obituary : 

See also :
