Sunday, June 3, 2018

Swami Narayanananda - the then Monk-in-charge of Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama at Vrindaban - His wonderful Passing Away - Text

The present Main campus of the Sevashrama

286 - 287 PRABIJDDHA BHARATA – June 1924


 We announce with a heavy heart the sad news of the passing away of Swami Narayanananda, a young promising worker of our Mission. The unfortunate event took place on the 12th of April last at our Brindaban Sevashrama of which he was lately in charge. The circumstances of his death were very remarkable. He had clear premonitions of his coming end, as will appear from the following unfinished letter written by him at 2-30 P.M.. on the day of occurance. to a friend at Rangoon –

“Since yesterday I am having some peculiar experiences. Last evening, as I was corning from the interior of the town along the bank of the Yamuna, I suddenly heard someone calling one in an endearing tone. 'Come, come away.' The voice was exceptionally sweet. but I could not trace its origin, for there was nobody by.  I returned to the ashrams and had my supper.

At night I had a strange dream. I saw as if I was in the presence of Sri Maharaja (Swami Brahmananda) and the Holy Mother. Oh the joy of it! That call is coming constantly to my ears since this morning, and my mind. too. seems to be longing to go somewhere. I am feeling no more attachment to anything of this world. I do not know what it all means"

Ah! I hear that call again. It is so sweet I Such a bliss I never experienced before in my life. Can you tell me who it is that calls me? Ah I Ah I Such sweetness I Such joy I It seems as if 1 am drifting somewhere —somebody is carrying me in his arms. A peculiar sensation is in my heart.  It is unique. Again. what soul-ravishing strains of music ! 'Behold the Blissful Region ! Let us go to that City ! Glory be unto the Lord I Mother, Mother ! Bliss. bliss. bliss ineffable !  What a marvelous experience it is! It seems the world does not exist, nay, it never did. Was it but a dream? I see that I am ever in the arms of the Mother. Glory unto the Divine Mother I I cannot write any more . –“ 

He had attended to his usual duties in the morning after which he had shut himself in his room and sung some devotional songs.  After taking his meals. he was busy settling the accounts. In the evening some visitors came and there was Bhajan, in the midst of which he had an occasion to go near the bank of the Jumna. On his return shortly after, he said that he had been bitten by a snake. The marks of the bite were distinctly visible. Being certain of his imminent end, he had his rosary brought and began to repeat the name of the Lord, asking, besides, a worker to take over the charge of the Ashrama. The deadly poison began to do its work, and soon he became unconscious.. All available means were tried, but nothing could restore him to consciousness. His spirit left its mortal tenement and sped to the eternal presence of the Lord. Surely such a death is most enviable and shows the intense spiritual nature of the late Swami. All we can say about it is--.’The Lord's Will be done!’.